What is best for you? Do you need a lapsteel or single/double neck console?
Although all non-pedal steel guitars can be played on your lap so the term “lapsteel” can refer to any non-pedal guitar. Usually, however, console models are larger, have legs. and come in single or double necks (more are possible but unusual). Lapsteel guitars can also have legs or can sit on a stand with legs. Usually the player sits down, but some do prefer to stand up.
How much money do I really have to spend right now?
Buying an inexpensive guitar may be your only option and that is not necessarily a bad choice. Just remember, it will not play or sound very good and if you stick with it you will want to upgrade which will cost you more in the long run. I have never regretted buying an expensive guitar, but I have kicked myself when I got a guitar that was cheap but unfulfilling.
Do I get a six string or eight string or even 10 string guitar?
Consider this: the price difference is not significant. Some people know they will never really want to go beyond six strings and that is really OK. In fact, almost everything you will ever need to play can be played on six strings. It is also less confusing. However, you run the risk of “eight string envy” after you have been playing a while. Eight strings has become the standard because you can do more without the need of moving the bar quite so much. Also consider this: you can always get an 8 string and just put 6 strings on it until you are ready (if ever) to upgrade. That way you don’t need to buy another guitar.
Sound considerations:
Sound is arguably the most import consideration of all. Most people think that the pick-up is largely responsible for the sound, and to some extent there is truth there, but it isn’t the only thing that effects sound. Here are other considerations:
The kind of wood and the thickness of the wood (not a significant consideration on pedal steel guitars that are largely medal but a significant consideration on lapsteels.
The makeup of the bridge and nut are very important. What kind of medal is used, how large is it, and how does it come into contact with the wood body?
Is it made to last? How well is it constructed?
Although fretboards, for example, can be cut by hand tools, it is hard to consistent and almost impossible to cut with the accuracy of a CNC machine even by the most experienced artisan.
Is the builder flexible and willing to customize?